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  • -40%
    3,84 € 6,40 €

       The Himalayan Salt Stone Brick for Sauna is enriched with natural ionizers that effectively improve air quality by emitting negative ions. Himalayan salt baking stone is suitable for cooking and serving. Preheat a salt stone brick in the oven or on a gas stove or grill and place your favorite food on the stone and bake.

  • -40%
    2,88 € 4,80 €

       Himalayan Salt Stone Brick for Sauna yra praturtintas natūraliais jonizatoriais, kurie efektyviai pagerina oro kokybę išskirdami neigiamus jonus. Himalajų druskos kepimo akmuo tinka virti ir patiekti. Orkaitėje arba ant dujinės viryklės ar grilio įkaitinkite druskos akmens plytą ir ant akmens padėkite mėgstamą maistą ir kepkite.

  • -40%
    3,84 € 6,40 €

    Brick from Himalayan rock salt for sauna and baths - enriched with natural ionizers, which effectively improve air quality, distributing negative ions. The exclusivity and uniqueness of these stone brickes - illuminated from the Himalayan salt wall and ionization therapy, which further enhances the positive effect of the sauna.

  • -50%
    12,50 € 25,00 €

           Himalayan salt is made of high quality 100% natural salt,  mined in the mountains of the Himalayas. Negative ions emitted from the Himalayan salt candlesticks and lamps, irremovable for our health - reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep quality and well-being. Negative ions of Himalayan rock salt clean the air of dust, pollen, mold, spores of...

  • -45%
    3,03 € 5,50 €

          Himalayan salt is made of high quality 100% natural salt,  mined in the mountains of the Himalayas. Negative ions emitted from the Himalayan salt candlesticks and lamps, irremovable for our health - reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep quality and well-being. Negative ions of Himalayan rock salt clean the air of dust, pollen, mold, spores of...

  • -50%
    19,00 € 38,00 €

           Himalayan salt is made of high quality 100% natural salt,  mined in the mountains of the Himalayas. Negative ions emitted from the Himalayan salt candlesticks and lamps, irremovable for our health - reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep quality and well-being. Negative ions of Himalayan rock salt clean the air of dust, pollen, mold, spores of...

  • -45%
    1,82 € 3,30 €

          Himalayan salt is made of high quality 100% natural salt,  mined in the mountains of the Himalayas. Negative ions emitted from the Himalayan salt candlesticks and lamps, irremovable for our health - reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep quality and well-being. Negative ions of Himalayan rock salt clean the air of dust, pollen, mold, spores of...

  • -55%
    10,80 € 24,00 €

    Bricks are made of natural, untreated Himalayan Salt Crystal. Himalayan salt bricks can be used on a gas stove, electric hobs, in the oven, on the grill and in the coals. They are suitable for meat, vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood production. In this way, the prepared food will not require additional salting. Suitable for use in the sauna.

  • -50%
    24,50 € 49,00 €

        Himalayan salt is made of high quality 100% natural salt,  mined in the mountains of the Himalayas. Negative ions emitted from the Himalayan salt candlesticks and lamps, irremovable for our health - reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep quality and well-being. Negative ions of Himalayan rock salt clean the air of dust, pollen, mold, spores of...

  • -30%
    17,50 € 25,00 €

         Druskos inhaliatorius skirtas ūmių ir chroniškų kvėpavimo takų, elerginių ir infekcinių ligų profilaktikai ir kaip pagalbinė priemonė gydymui. Kvėpuodami per inhaliatorių 15-20 min. per dieną, galite gauti tą pačią naudą, kaip lankydamiesi druskos uolose. Himalajų druskos sudėtyje yra mineralinių medžiagų ir mikroelementų, kurie nesukelia jokio...

  • -35%
    2,15 € 3,30 €

      Oniksas - stiprus apsauginis akmuo, suteikiantis stabilumo ir pusiausvyros. Oniksas koncentruoja savyje didžiulę jėgą ir energiją. Akmens unikalumas - ilgaamžiškumas. Kadaise vadintas “vadų akmeniu”, nes suteikia valdžią, didybę, galybę, aštrina protą, padeda atspėti priešų planus bei palaiko sveikatą ir tvirtą psichiką. 

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