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Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: diameter - 12.5 cm.
Oniksas - stiprus apsauginis akmuo, suteikiantis stabilumo ir pusiausvyros. Oniksas koncentruoja savyje didžiulę jėgą ir energiją. Akmens unikalumas - ilgaamžiškumas. Kadaise vadintas “vadų akmeniu”, nes suteikia valdžią, didybę, galybę, aštrina protą, padeda atspėti priešų planus bei palaiko sveikatą ir tvirtą psichiką.
Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: diameter - 10 cm.
Oniksas - stiprus apsauginis akmuo, suteikiantis stabilumo ir pusiausvyros. Oniksas koncentruoja savyje didžiulę jėgą ir energiją. Akmens unikalumas - ilgaamžiškumas. Kadaise vadintas “vadų akmeniu”, nes suteikia valdžią, didybę, galybę, aštrina protą, padeda atspėti priešų planus bei palaiko sveikatą ir tvirtą psichiką.
Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: height - 12.5 cm.
Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: diameter - 7.5 cm.
Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: height - 20 cm.
Onyx is a strong protective stone, providing stability and balance. Onyx concentrates enormous strength and energy. The uniqueness of the stone is durability. Gives power, majesty, sharpens the mind, helps guess your enemy's plans and maintains a healthy and strong psyche. Dimensions: height - 20 cm.